понедельник, 6 августа 2012 г.

Настройка синхронизации каталогов/файлов с помощью rsync

Устанавливаем пакет rsync на исходном ( и на копируемом ( сервере:
atp-get install rsync

На копируемом сервере создаем конфигурационный файл /etc/rsyncd.conf

comment = For backups openvpn
path = /etc/freeradius
use chroot = true
uid = root
gid = root
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
read only = false
write only = false
hosts allow =
hosts deny = *
transfer logging = false

Разкоментируем запуск службы в /etc/default/rsync

# defaults file for rsync daemon mode

# start rsync in daemon mode from init.d script?
#  only allowed values are "true", "false", and "inetd"
#  Use "inetd" if you want to start the rsyncd from inetd,
#  all this does is prevent the init.d script from printing a message
#  about not starting rsyncd (you still need to modify inetd's config yourself).

# which file should be used as the configuration file for rsync.
# This file is used instead of the default /etc/rsyncd.conf
# Warning: This option has no effect if the daemon is accessed
#          using a remote shell. When using a different file for
#          rsync you might want to symlink /etc/rsyncd.conf to
#          that file.

# what extra options to give rsync --daemon?
#  that excludes the --daemon; that's always done in the init.d script
#  Possibilities are:
#   --address=<----><------>(bind to a specific IP address)
#   --port=8730><------><------><------>(bind to specified port; default 873)

# run rsyncd at a nice level?
#  the rsync daemon can impact performance due to much I/O and CPU usage,
#  so you may want to run it at a nicer priority than the default priority.
#  Allowed values are 0 - 19 inclusive; 10 is a reasonable value.

# run rsyncd with ionice?
#  "ionice" does for IO load what "nice" does for CPU load.
#  As rsync is often used for backups which aren't all that time-critical,
#  reducing the rsync IO priority will benefit the rest of the system.
#  See the manpage for ionice for allowed options.
#  -c3 is recommended, this will run rsync IO at "idle" priority. Uncomment
#  the next line to activate this.

# Don't forget to create an appropriate config file,
# else the daemon will not start.

Стартуем службу
/etc/init.d/rsync restart

На исходном сервере добавляем запуск команды в /etc/crontab

1   *   * * *   root    rsync -au /etc/freeradius/ rsync://
30  8   * * 7   root    rsync --del -au /etc/freeradius/ rsync://

ЗЫ. Ну и не забываем в iptables открыт tcp порт 873 на на копируемом сервере

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